Ajapa Jaap Naam Simran

It involves meditation or contemplation of the various Names of the Creator Lord (or qualities of the Creator Lord), especially the chanting of the GurMantra “Vaheguru” (‘Wonderful Lord’) representing the formless being, the creator of all the forms, and the being omnipresent in all forms (helps achieve Oneness). While contemplating the Creator’s names, a devotee can get naam, the divine connection. They can fulfil all desires and cleanse the mind of its impurities and distress. Through naam, the devotees can harness Godly qualities and remove the five thieves. Importance is given to the meditation in the Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji as the way in which humans can conquer ego, greed, attachment, anger and lust, together commonly called the Five Evils or Five Thieves and to bring peace and tranquillity into one’s mind.

Mantra is a Sanskrit term, with “man” meaning “mind” and “tra” meaning “release.” You can use many different types of mantras, in Sikhism the GurMantra of “Vaheguru” was given to help us on our journey to happiness

– improves mood, lowers depression
– reduces stress and anxiety
– connects you with deep vibrations and healing
– helps you find a natural breathing rhythm
– synchronises the left and right brain to produce Alpha brain waves and relaxation
– chanting helps to release blocked energy


Ajapa Jap – Naam Simran – Saas Saas (refers to the breath, Naam refers to the name of God and Simran refers to the act of repeating)

An accepted and practised technique is to breathe from the stomach (diaphragm).

  • the spine should be straight, and body relaxed. You can sit on a pillow to raise up the hips and support the lower back against a wall.
  • inhale and say “Vahe” and exhale and say “Guru”. Paying close attention to the breath and sound, aiming to go slowly and build up a devotional, loving aspect to the practice.

The focus internally is to empty the mind of thoughts, and you may move through awareness in the body, but ultimate focus is to arrive at the third eye (dasam dwaar or 10th gate) and focus the energy. If a thought comes in your mind, acknowledge it and ask it to move on. This will eventually empty your mind of thoughts.

There are further techniques that take you further into the spiritual journey, these are best practised with other members and guides, so haven’t been expanded on further.

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